H. Burton, A. Z. Snyder, and M. E. Raichle
Default brain functionality in blind people
PNAS 2004 101: 15500-15505

Charles F. Stevens
Preserving properties of object shape by computations in primary visual cortex
PNAS 2004 101: 15524-15529

Nature Neuroscience 2004,7(11)

Interactions between decision making and performance monitoring within prefrontal cortex pp1259 - 1265
Mark E Walton, Joseph T Devlin & Matthew F S Rushworth

Transcranial magnetic stimulation of the occipital pole interferes with verbal processing in blind subjects pp1266 - 1270
Amir Amedi, Agnes Floel, Stefan Knecht, Ehud Zohary & Leonardo G Cohen

Distant influences of amygdala lesion on visual cortical activation during emotional face processing pp1271 - 1278
Patrik Vuilleumier, Mark P Richardson, Jorge L Armony, Jon Driver & Raymond J Dolan