

kakioさんの投稿 http://www3.azaq.net/bbs/200/kan/?1000696268M. C. Milinkovitch, A. Caccone, and G. Amato Molecular phylogenetic analyses indicate extensive morphological convergence between the "yeti" and primates. Molecular Phylogenetics …

The Processing of Visual Shape in the Cerebral Cortex of Human and Nonhuman Primates: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study

Katrien Denys, Wim Vanduffel, Denis Fize,1 Koen Nelissen, Hendrik Peuskens, David Van Essen, and Guy A. Orban The Journal of Neuroscience, March 10, 2004, 24(10):2551-2565http://www.jneurosci.org/cgi/content/abstract/24/10/2551サルMRの論文…

Perception-related Modulations of Local Field Potential Power and Coherence in Primary Visual Cortex of Awake Monkey during Binocular Rivalry

Alexander Gail, Hans Joerg Brinksmeyer and Reinhard Eckhorn Cerebral Cortex March 2004; 14:300-313http://cercor.oupjournals.org/cgi/content/full/14/3/300エックホーンの論文。binocular rivalry, local field, multi electrodeと興味ある単語が並…



近いうちに必ずDiabloをする日が来ると信じ、武器防具等の接頭辞、接尾辞を復習してみる。Obsidian ring of Zodiacとか懐かしい。